Creating A Beautiful Life Through Simplicity and Intuition

At Kate Rose Wellness, we believe that our true state is abundance, and through self care and intuitive guidance, our body, mind and spirit will naturally move toward healing. We also believe that improving the quality of your life doesn't have to be complicated or expensive and should be accessible to anyone who is willing to trust themselves and commit to making simple changes.


Reduce Exposure To Toxins

Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins, and a buildup of toxins can cause and contribute to many illnesses. Although it is impossible to completely avoid toxins, there are many simple techniques we can implement to reduce our daily exposure and make significant improvements to our health. Let us guide you by bringing awareness to the sources of toxins within your home, including in food, water, personal care products and household cleaning products, and empowering you to make simple changes to reduce your expose to these toxins.
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Energy Healing For Self Care

Energy healing restores balance to our life force and facilities our natural healing abilities. Some of the many benefits of energy healing include stress reduction, cleansing of toxins, raising vibrational frequency, spiritual growth and emotional clearing. Let us introduce you to simple energy healing techniques that can be easily incorporated into your life to improve your health, happiness and well-being. We will also discuss some tips to help you prioritize self care and live a balanced life rich in abundance and joy.

Techniques include: Meditation and Mindfulness / Connection to Spirit / Chakra Balancing / Healing Crystals / Incense and Essential Oils

My Soul Purpose

As an Intuitive Transformational Coach, I am committed to helping others create a beautiful life.

What makes me stand out?

What motivates me?

What is my passion?

Click here to find out more.

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